Venture Capital and Private Equity

Polzin, F., Sanders, M., & Stavlöt, U. 2017. Do investors and entrepreneurs match? – Evidence from the Netherlands and Sweden. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2017.07.016

Migendt, M., Polzin, F., Schock, F., Täube, F.A., von Flotow, P., 2017. Beyond Venture Capital: An Exploratory Study of the Finance-Innovation-Policy Nexus in Cleantech. Industrial and Coporate Change. doi:10.1093/icc/dtx014

Polzin, F., Sanders, M., & Stavlöt, U. 2017. Mobilising early stage investments for an innovation-led sustainability transition, forthcoming in Walker, T., Kibsey, S. & Crichton, R. ‘Designing a Sustainable Financial System: Development Goals and Socio-Ecological Responsibility’. Palgrave McMillan.

Polzin, F., Sanders, M., & Stavlöt, U. 2016. Do investors and entrepreneurs match? – Evidence from the Netherlands and Sweden. Sustainable Finance Lab Working Paper. Available at:

Migendt, M., Schock, F., Polzin, F., von Flotow, P. &  Täube, F.A., 2015. Green Growth – The contribution of Venture Capital and Private Equity. Project report. (in German)